15 Types of Outdoor Advertising to Boost Your Business | Expert Guide
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15 Types of Outdoor Advertising to Boost Your Business | Expert Guide

Outdoor advertising offers a diverse range of formats to enhance your business visibility and reach a broad audience. Whether you choose traditional billboards or dynamic LED displays, the right outdoor advertising strategy can significantly boost your brand’s presence and drive business growth. By understanding the different types of outdoor advertising and leveraging their unique benefits, you can create impactful campaigns that capture attention and generate results.

What is the difference between Outdoor Advertising and Transit Branding?
- ooh, Advertising Agency, Social Media

What is the difference between Outdoor Advertising and Transit Branding?

The Out-of-Home (OoH) Advertising market is expected to reach a total ad spending of $434.70 million in 2023. The largest contributor to this market is Traditional Out-of-Home Advertising with a market volume of $321 million in 2023. The average per capita ad spending in the OoH Advertising segment is estimated to be $0.31 in 2023.

According to recent research, 80% of youth view transit advertising as an effective medium. This is due to its unique ability to creatively deliver messages and target specific audiences through geotargeting. Additionally, unlike online or broadcast advertising, transit ads cannot be ignored or turned off, ensuring maximum reach and frequency. 69% of the youth believe that transit media has a positive impact on them. They get to see advertisements that they would have otherwise missed and with daily exposure, these ads are retained in their memory, leading to a higher recall rate.

What is Airport Advertising and what are its benefits?
- Airport Advetising, Brand Identity, ooh

What is Airport Advertising? and what are its benefits in 2023

The research found that frequent flyers are highly responsive to airport advertisements, with 80% noticing the media and 42% taking action, such as visiting a website or learning more about a product. 19% of frequent flyers even purchased a product they saw advertised at the airport. The study also shows that airport campaigns drive foot traffic, with 84% of frequent flyers likely to visit a restaurant and 50% likely to visit a clothing store. The research confirms that the longer a traveller spends at the airport, the greater the exposure to advertising, with 74% of frequent flyers arriving more than an hour before their flight.